Decades of building success.

Nunn Construction Celebrates 40 Years
From 2 employees to 150, 1 office to 3: we’re proud of reaching this milestone and the impact we’ve made in building projects that matter for our community.

Ed Robson Arena and Yalich Student Services Center Wins Best Sports/Entertainment Project in ENR Mountain States’ 2022 Best Projects Competition
ENR’s panel of 15 judges reviewed 93 award submissions and named Ed Robson Arena and Yalich Student Services Center Best Sports/Entertainment Project. The annual competition spans seven states including Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

Ed Robson Arena at Colorado College Completed!
The Ed Robson Arena is a state-of-the-art 270,000 square foot, 3,400+ seat multi-purpose arena which will maximize the student-athlete experience and enhance the Colorado College Tiger Hockey experience. In addition, the arena can host regional, national, and international events in partnership with the United States Olympic Committee and related governing bodies, further enhancing Colorado Springs as Olympic City USA.

Awarded as a “Best Workplace” by the Colorado Springs Gazette!
Our mission and dedication to improvement is focused on enabling others to succeed, which goes beyond construction. We were proud to be named one of the Best Workplaces for 2020 signaling a culture of solid leadership, employee satisfaction and pride in our company values and role in our community.

Nunn Celebrates 35th Anniversary!
Under Tyson Nunn’s leadership, Nunn Construction continues to grow while improving communities with a commitment to quality, lasting relationships and dedicated service.

Occhiato Student Center at CSU-P Completed
The 131,900 sq.ft. Occhiato Student Center transformation provides the Colorado State University Pueblo Campus with an open, dynamic and technologically-modern facility featuring residential and retail dining functions.

ACE Award, Contribution to the Community – Springs Rescue Mission
Through AGC Colorado, Nunn Construction received the Award for Construction Excellence – Contribution to the Community for our work on the Springs Rescue Mission Shelter and Resource Center.

Nunn Construction Wins Marketing Excellence Award for Corporate Identity
Through the Society for Marketing Professional Services Colorado, this top honor was awarded based on criteria in five categories: marketing objectives, creativity, quality, content, and results.

Ray Nunn Wins ENR Mountain States Legacy Award
The Legacy Awards are given annually by ENR Regional Editors to an individual who has achieved a lifetime legacy of service in design and construction, and who have given above and beyond to their professions and the communities in which they live.

Nunn Construction Rebrands
True North Concept: This concept was inspired by Nunn’s dedication to growth: the success of our clients and a strong community as a result of our process and leadership, always striving forward.

Montezuma-Cortez High School Completed
Located in the Southwest portion of Colorado, this BEST Grant Funded and LEED Certified Gold High School reached substantial completion in July 2015.

UCCS Academic Office Building Complete
A 35,000 SF office building that houses multiple colleges on the campus. The 5-story academic office building achieved LEED© certified Gold and is deemed the “Gateway to the Campus.”

Award of Merit for Construction Excellence – Associated General Contractors of Colorado
Nunn Construction was awarded the Merit for Construction Excellence for Meeting the Challenge of a Difficult Job – General Contractor for Genoa-Hugo new PK-12 School Building.

Nunn Construction opens a Southwest Colorado Office
Nunn expanded initially into Cortez, and then moved our Southwest office permanently to Durango to better serve our clients in the Southwest region of Colorado.

Pueblo Municipal Justice Center Completed
New construction providing the city of Pueblo with a secure facility that houses the court house, police department and a small detention center.

Nunn Construction Celebrates 25th Year Anniversary!
As a Colorado Springs-founded contractor with stable management and ownership, Nunn continues its commitment to build quality buildings throughout Colorado for many years to come.

UCCS Dwire Hall Completed
Renovation and addition of the existing academic office building originally built in 1972.

National Strength and Conditioning Association Headquarters Completed
The new National Headquarters, Class A office building, includes 6,000 SF World Class Performance Center designed specifically to train clients of all fitness levels.

Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
One of Colorado Springs’ first LEED Certified Green Buildings, provides offices for the Building, County and City Departments.

Colorado Springs City Hall Completed
Nunn Construction Renovated and built an addition to the century old historical building in downtown Colorado Springs, CO.

Nunn Construction is awarded the Rocky Mountain Contractor of the Year Award
Award given by the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.

Focus on the Family – Welcome Center East Addition
Focus on the Family is a global Christian Ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. Many visitors go to the bookstore or try the 3-story slide in the Welcome Center East Addition.

Nunn Construction Builds Their New Office Building
Moved into our new facility and yard at 925 Elkton Drive in Colorado Springs, CO

Peyton Elementary School
The first of many Design/Build Projects for Nunn Construction

Woodland Park New Middle School
Won the “National Educators Best Project Award”

Village Seven Presbyterian Church
Nunn Construction builds a brand new Sanctuary on the Village Seven Campus.

Foothills & High Plains Elementary Schools – Additions
The first education projects for Nunn. The roots were planted for Nunn’s knowledge and commitment to building education facilities throughout the state.

Circle Drive Baptist Church Addition
Nunn’s first construction project, a first of many religious projects over the years.

Nunn Construction Founded
Ray and Nancy Nunn Incorporated the Business on May 2nd, 1983.