Project Delivery
Winslow BMW | Colorado Springs, CO

The bid-build process is the traditional process for municipalities and government organizations

With bid-build (or design-bid-build) project delivery, the lowest responsive bidder is awarded the project. This linear (meaning a non-integrated) project delivery separates the construction process from the design process. When construction documents are 100% permitted, you are able to break ground on your project.


  • Separate design and construction phases means the quality of drawings directly impact the construction process which can result in unexpected change orders, and removes constructability and/or value engineering services from the project
  • Pre-qualifying general contractors before soliciting bids establishes a threshold and encourages quality builders to compete instead of incentivizing a rush to the bottom.

  • Due to the nature of bid-build, owners and design teams won’t know the project cost until after bidding. Re-design may be required for a better budget fit.

  • To ensure the best value from a hard-bid, owners should interview teams and evaluate bid scope and schedule prior to award.

Not sure where to start?
We’ll guide you through the construction process.