Nunn Construction is fortunate, that since the beginning of the pandemic, construction and our work program have been established as essential business in Colorado. For this we are very grateful. Like other critical industries and businesses, we have been able to keep working through this crisis that has gripped our nation and local communities with disruption, confusion and instability. Working closely with the state and local officials, the A/E/C industry with the help of AGC support and advocacy was able to keep many of our in progress projects going with little delay. With rapidly changing protocols for COVID-19 prevention measures, our continued commitment to safety helped ensure that we could keep progress going on our jobsites. Since March, Nunn and the construction industry have quickly implemented safety and distancing protocols as they were issued from the CDC and the state.
Despite the disruptive changes, everyone from our office staff to our laborers out in the field crews feel grateful to be deemed essential workers. It has meant keeping the “lights on”, our jobs steady, and having the ability to put food on our tables at home. We had to adjust to working remotely, sometimes in a much louder (with our kids now as home office-mates) or more isolated in a much quieter environment than we were used to. However, recognizing our fortune of continued employment, we all wanted to share our blessings with our community and friends who saw jobs disappearing overnight.
The Nunn team, from our construction sites and office staff came together in a company-wide fundraising initiative to give back to our community. We selected four organizations who continue to be on the front lines of supporting our community with food security, shelter, and emergency relief. These organization were:
- The El Paso Salvation Army: The local branch of this national organization provides our neighbors with food, shelter, help with rent and utilities, and more.
- Care-and-Share of Southern Colorado: They have been sending resources across the El Paso County area and delivering food to each of our local school districts for families to access. Care-n-Share is also critical in keeping our smaller pantries open. At Care and Share Food Bank, they believe that no one should go hungry. Every day, they provide food to our partner food pantries and meal sites across Southern Colorado to serve our neighbors in need because well-fed communities are better for us all
- Crossfire Ministries: A smaller food bank located centrally in Colorado Springs but one of the few that have been able to pivot their operations and stayed open for full service and collaborates with a variety of non-profits to serve local families in need. Crossfire Ministries is a Christian faith-based, non-profit organization seeking to put God’s love into action, dedicated to offering hope and encouragement for a changed life by furnishing the necessities of daily living to those in need.
- Pikes Peak Community Foundation’s Emergency Relief Fund: With the outbreak of COVID-19, the nonprofit sector, as with the business and public sectors, has been hit hard as demand for services and subsequent costs to provide those services has increased. The Emergency Relief Fund, activated when a state of emergency is declared by the state or municipal agency, is designed to make giving to support nonprofits impacted by this event easy for donors and for impacted nonprofits to apply for funding. Money donated will stay in El Paso County and get distributed through grants to local non-profits impacted by COVID-19.
Each jobsite invited staff, clients, and trade partners working on our jobs to donate and together we raised over $11,350 (including some matching from Nunn) which was split equally among our four organizations in donations.
We are so proud of the community-minded culture at Nunn Construction and our staff’s and industry’s generosity. Together we all continue to strengthen the fabric of health and safety in our community.
We at Nunn are grateful to be able to do our part in keeping our economy going safely and continue to support our neighbors with keeping their projects that matter moving forward.